Everything you need to know about edge devices

Edge devices are an essential part of connecting your field devices into IIoT cloud services. But do you know what an edge device is and how to use it? Stick around to find out!

Daniel Haller, IIoT project leader at Endress+Hauser, will take us on a tour of the edge-device universe and give us the information you need to know.

Curious? Let’s check out what Daniel has to say.

What’s an edge device?

What is an edge device?

The edge device is the bridge between your field devices and your cloud services, collecting relevant data that can provide great insights for daily operation in your plant.

Depending on the service, edge devices can deliver measurement data, health statuses, or any other information that can augment your work. For instance, services such as Netilion Health monitor the health of your devices, collecting data through an edge device to show users how things are running at any time.

NAMUR recommends using edge devices, creating a secondary channel to send data to the cloud without affecting control systems. Edge devices also work as diodes, moving information in only one direction, so you can read the data without interfering with your processes.

Best of all, it’s a turnkey solution, meaning configuration is straightforward and quick.

Where do you use edge devices?

Where do you use edge devices?

Edge devices can serve a variety of IIoT cloud services, as every service requires different information. It creates an encrypted bridge between the field and the cloud. Consider these applications:

  • Health: Collect the health status and troubleshooting information for your field devices so you can find the cause and remedy for most problems.
  • Process monitoring: Remote web-based apps can keep an eye on a range of conditions, such as tank levels, temperature, and so on. The edge device will collect the process values from your field instruments automatically.
  • Plant transparency: Get to know every single device in your plant and access all their documentation, process values, and health information.
Edge moves your maintenance team from corrective maintenance to predictive activity. All your data integrates easily into IIoT cloud services, where you can discover many insights to improve daily maintenance tasks.

A real example of edge-device application

A real example of edge-device application

Daniel shows us how quick and easy it is to collect data and get feedback from the field to a cloud solution like Netilion.

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Stay healthy and have a good one!
